Vocabulary Museum Education

The first draft of the CECA Vocabulary is downloadable on the Vocabulary project page on the CECA-website (see at the bottom of the page for ‘Vocabulary Sythesis’). It contains the current wording for museum education (or whatever it is called) and the profession of the educator in 19 countries.
In September 2018 I presented the first outcomes based on this first draft during the ICOM/CECA 2018 conference in Tbilisi, Georgia, under the title:
‘What’s in a name; Talking about museum education and cultural action –
words and meanings reflecting views on our profession’
This whole conference was dedicated to meanings of education en cultural action. To the left the poster Emma Albers (student school for graphic design in Utrecht) made on my request for this conference.
I used the insights of this conference for a keynote address in October 2018 at the ICOM/CECA Asia-Pacific regional meeting in Seoul. See here for text en ppt.